티스토리 뷰
Sunflower Stone | Chrysanthemum Stone | Peony Stone | Rose Stone | Suseok | Suiseki
The Korean flower stone, the worldwide treasure that is called as the "crystal of beauty created by God"!
The Korean flower stone contains the oldest ancient artistic value in the world that was in the underground of the Korean soil already from the Mesozoic Era!
We, FlowerStone.co.kr & FlowerStone.kr, are making endeavors to publicize and disperse the true value of the everlasting mysterious Korean flower stones to all over the world.
The flower stone lodes that have been licensed for mining already for this mystique Korean flower stone are almost done with the mining that are in the deleted condition. From the existing Korean flower stones already processed for a work product, there are approximately 500 pieces that may be recognized as the outstanding value for their flower pattern and size. Also, some part of southern area where there may have some more of flower stone vein is prohibited for new exploitation permit so that the resource for making a fine work product is limited to the small volume of ore that is already exploited. Furthermore, since the fine ore are already produced in fine work product, it is very difficult to expect outstanding artistic works from the remaining ore.
Therefore, we, FlowerStone.kr, are having this opportunity to disperse these very valuable global treasures to many countries. At the same time, we want to provide this opportunity to enjoy these rare and precious things to many people, non-collectors, through the regular exhibitions where many collectors can exhibit them. These efforts are made so that the true value of Korean flower stone may be spread out throughout the entire world.
We plan to hold the Global Treasure Korean Flower Stone Exhibitions for once a year in both Korea and the US from 2004 as followings for the collectors. In addtion, we will pay all the expenses incurred to the collectors including the insurance premium for the exhibited work pieces.